Why Faith Based Recovery?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 91,799 deaths attributed to drug overdose in 2020, a 31% increase from 2019. All indications are pointing to even higher numbers for 2021, 2022, and 2023 unless we work to turn things around. Thankfully, faith-based recovery works!  More than 84% of scientific studies show that faith is a positive factor in addiction recovery. 

The What

We offer a “No Cost” 12-step faith-based program, built upon foundational truth experienced through a relationship with Jesus Christ. During this process, a person experiences a change in perspective; they become focused in a positive direction, experiencing victory over their addictions. 

The Why

We are committed to helping you in recovery as you come to hate the result of your addiction and the negative effect it has on your life. We provide an environment to grow as you understand the life changing truth found in God’s Word. 

The Who

As you develop in your relationship with Christ, you begin to see the value and love Jesus Christ has already placed in you. You begin to gain a respect for the person Jesus intended you to be.  The Bible says, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). 
Still skeptical about faith-based recovery? Watch the video to learn more and hear from people that have been helped by this program.

Our Program

We meet every Friday night from 7:00-9:00 pm. Experience true, lasting “victory over the chains that bind you”!  We meet at West Florida Baptist Church, 5621 HWY. 90, Milton Florida 32583. Call the church office at (850)623-8984 or fill out the form at the bottom of this page for more information.


This program has helped me to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I struggled with drug and alcohol addictions and self-defeating behavior. Everytime something good was going to happen I would always self-destruct. And I learned that having a relationship with Jesus was different than religion. I was always striving for perfection and trying to do all the right things, that I would give up and end up going backwards because “why try” if God just wants you to be perfect. And one day it was like the Lord Spoke to me and said, “Hey I want a relationship with you and I want what’s best for you.” Not only has my mental health improved from hearing voices and being on multiple medications, to not hearing voices and not being on any medication, to now finishing college and being a medical assistant at West Florida Medical Center Clinic, and that’s all from a relationship with Jesus Christ. I couldn’t ask for a better life, it’s not perfect and it’s hard sometimes but it’s still the best life I could ever have!
- Yvette

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