Day #15 | Behold 2028 Devotional
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” - Romans 12:2
One can quickly observe much going on, not only in this singular verse, but also in the whole context of Romans chapters 11 and 12. Chapter 11 speaks loudly about the “mystery” of God, which is His mercy made available to all men through Jesus Christ, and chapter 12 exhorts those recipients of such mercy to be holy and righteous in this life. Such a command then raises the question of how does a person fulfill these requirements? The requirements of holiness and righteousness. The secret is found within verse 2. It is the default response of man to be conformed to the image of this world, to walk in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – to live after our own selfish desires and minds, to be conformed to something is to subject yourself to resemble its likeness, and to be made after its image. Left on our own, we would quickly mirror in our heart, thoughts, and actions the deeds of a sinful, godless world. So, the exhortation is given for us to do the exact opposite of that which is natural. To be conformed to another image, made in the likeness of something else. This is what transformation is, changing what we were to that which is completely different. Not to this world’s system or our sinful flesh, but to the exact image of the Son of God. To copy His thoughts, to have His heart, and to do His works. To be transformed unto Him.
The first aspect of Christ that we need to copy is His holiness. In the first verse of the chapter we are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, but it must be an acceptable transaction on the basis of personal holiness. Truth and light must be found within our sacrifice, or it will be in vain.
Secondly, righteousness is added to complete our conformation to Christ. This is not to be thought of as performing religious rituals, but far greater. And the greatest “right act” that God displays is found in His love towards us. To love as God loves, is the highest act of righteousness one could do. If we were to read and follow the laws of charity found 1 Corinthians chapter 13 we would know exactly what it means to display a God-like love to our world in need.
Lastly, the recipe to accomplish this transformation into God’s image is found by a daily renewal of our minds. This is done by spending time with God, patiently molding ourselves by growing in His grace and knowledge; Colossians 3:10
“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” The more time we spend getting to know our Lord, the more we will behave like Him towards others, this is what it means to forsake our old man and strive to be as He is.
To see Jesus in us is to see a life marked by holiness and righteousness. It is to witness a lifestyle that He Himself would lead. This then proves to all what the will of God truly is. To live as He would, to follow in His steps, to be transformed into His image.