Day #23 | Behold 2028 Devotional

Feb 23, 2025

"And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days." - 1 Kings 17:15

In the passage leading up to this verse we see Elijah following the Lord’s leading, to Zarephath, to the home of a widow. We know that she didn’t have much, as their town was in a great drought, and she was literally gathering enough wood to build a fire to make a final meal for herself and her son, and then, they were planning to die.  Elijah told her to do as she planned but to make him a little cake first and bring it to him, and that if she did, the Lord would cause her barrel of meal and cruse of oil to not fail until He sent rain. She could have easily said no, and being a mother, she would have been justified in doing so. She did not know who Elijah was, but she had enough faith that she was willing to do as he had told her. Because of that little bit of faith, it says that “she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.” All it took was for her to step out with a little faith and then God stepped in and did GREAT things for her family. What an amazing display of God’s Power and Provision, not only for her but for all of those around them that were witnesses to it as well. Many times God asks us to do something in faith because He wants to bless us, but we have such a hard time taking that step. It’s so easy to come up with all of the reasons why we shouldn’t do it, why it’s too hard, or not a good idea. This widow could have used any excuse in the book, and if she had she would have died soon after and never seen what God was going to do. If we only knew what He had waiting for us on the other side! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through our faith during Behold 2028 and I am so excited to be a part of it!!!