Day #14 | Behold 2028 Devotional

Feb 14, 2025

“Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” - Ephesians 3:21

From its establishment, the primary purpose of the Church was to bring glory to God. To understand the role of the Church in bringing glory to God, it is helpful to have a better understanding of the eternal nature of God’s glory. John 17:5 speaks of the presence of God’s glory before the creation of the world. God’s glory predated the Church, yet God chose the Church as a unique vessel for His glory. This might seem like a daunting mission to be carried out by us, as imperfect and flawed as we are. His Glory, in its perfect fullness, existed in eternity past. So, we can take heart in knowing that God did not establish the Church to create Glory for Himself, or to even add to His glory. The role of the Church is simply to display His glory.

There are many ways we, as the Church, give Him glory. To ensure that we are most effective at carrying out this sacred mission, we must be sure to remain obedient to His Word. And the best way to be obedient to His Word is to be in the business of knowing His Word. This comes by a continual commitment to personal time reading, studying and praying over His Word.

Thankfully, the Church’s role in displaying God’s glory isn’t dependent on our perfection. God is not glorified simply by His people showing up on Sunday mornings and convincing everyone else that we have it all together. James 5:16 tells us to confess our faults (or sins) to one another and to pray for one another. This verse shows us that God knew we would fall short of perfection. God truly gets glory when His people are honest, vulnerable and transparent with one another about our weakness (see also 2 Cor. 12:9) and when we pray for one another. If you don’t have relationships like that, what is keeping you from reaching out in faith to start cultivating these kinds of friendships? Let’s do it, for the glory of God.